21 December, 2013    アナハイム CA , 米国
Business Expo Center is organizing an event, End Of The Year Expo on 21 December 2013. The venue is Universal reception room, 1960 S. Anaheim Way, Anaheim, California 9280. Here, hand-crafted jewelry, amazing flavors of tasty pastries, sweets and many more will be presented under one roof.

For more details, visit http://www.businessexpocenter.com/events/event_list.asp.


Location: Business Expo Center
The Business Expo Center has 36,000 square feet of flexible meeting and event space for seminars, business conferences, and anything from training workshops to large trade shows, expos, conventions,..
連絡先 1960 S. Way , CA 92805 Anaheim , USA


Business Expo Center
1960 S. Anaheim Way Anaheim, CA 92805


End of the Year Expo 21 December, 2013