March 24 - 27, 2014    サンフランシスコ CA , 米国
Big Business and Big Investors Take on the Real World Implications of Today's Most Disruptive Technology.

- Understand How Corporate America Views the Challenges and Potential of Additive Manufacturing
- Tap into the Creative Thinking of the Most Far-Sighted Business Strategists, Investors & Innovators
- Get the Latest Reports from the Field: Applications, Early Returns, Near vs. Long-Term Impacts, IP Threats … all the “Known Unknowns”
- Build Strategic Relationships to Scale the New Manufacturing Paradigm!

Use this code to AVAIL 10% DISCOUNT: 1430SOCIAL10


Location: Sir Francis Drake Hotel
連絡先 450 Powell Street San Francisco , USA


Additive Disruption Summit March 31 - April 2, 2015
Additive Disruption Summit March 24 - 27, 2014