September 24 - 25, 2014    ロンドン , 英国
With mobile video expected to account for a third of mobile data traffic by 2016, and at least 40% of smartphone users streaming mobile video services by the same time, are you ready to take advantage of this growth in demand?

Telecoms IQ's Mobile Video Summit will show you how to capitalise on mobile video, open new revenue streams for your business and stay ahead of the competition.

Speakers from across the mobile video market, including content providers, regulators, operators and broadcasters, will discuss the challenges and opportunities for partnerships.

Round tables will help you to discover how to give your customers a greater experience and quality of service, ensuring disjointed streaming and buffering are a thing of the past.

Early Confirmed Speakers
Matt Stagg,Paul Edwards,Ashley Quelch,Hrvatski Telekom,Ivan Petković and many more....


Location: Guoman Charing Cross Hotel
連絡先 The Strand Twickenham , United Kingdom


Mobile Video Summit September 24 - 25, 2014