September 19 - 22, 2014    ブダペスト , ハンガリー
The 20th jubilee expo is the most significant meeting of horticultural producers, distributors and resellers in Middle Europe, affording chance to present their products and establishing professional contacts.

Taking advantage of the favourable geographical position of Hungary, we believe it is important to establish new business relations in the spirit of opening up to the East.In addition to this, we wish to build a bridge between the East and the West in order to create a reliable market for our products and services.The 20th Hortus Hungaricus International Horticultural Expo and Fair provides a place and opportunity for professionals arriving from the Middle and Far East, Middle and Western Europe, interested in establishing new business relations or enhancing their existing partner relations, and will also serve as a meeting point for them.In the future Hortus Hungaricus may become a control centre in Middle Europe.

In this region Hungary's economy has uniquely started to develop, and the signs of the development have appeared in all areas of the domestic horticulture.Investments have been undertaken, the size of flower trade has grown, and the production volumes have also increased.Foreign trade balance of the surrounding 10 countries is negative so they can be considered as potential markets.Their professionals also visit our expo regularly.Our horticultural products are popular and there is a demand for them in those countries; our export has been increasing.

Hortus Hungaricus 2014 will be the major expo for all horticultural producers, distributors as well as technical and back-end professionals.

The following will be present at the Expo:producers, nurseries, wholesalers, landscapers, gardencenters, flower arrangers, vocational training schools, producers and distributors.

Groups of products and services to be presented:trees&shrubs, cut flowers, pot plants, flower arrangement accessories, dried flowers, frui


Location: Flora Hungaria Szigetszentmiklós
連絡先 Budapest , Hungary


Hortus Hungaricus Exhibition
H-2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Leshegy street 1/A
(+36 24) 550 550