June 7 - 8, 2017    アムステルダム , オランダ
A brave new world: the marriage of tech and HR

Over the last year there has been real change. Some change was planned and expected. But we also experienced monumental change that we never envisaged happening. From the political world, to the technological, all aspects of the workplace either have, or will be affected by the actions of 2016. No one can avoid the inevitable tidal wave of new tools and applications, nor escape the ever growing expectations of the new savvy generation in the workplace.


Location: Postillion Convention Centre Amsterdam
An entirely new destination in a historic location: Postillion Convention Centre Amsterdam is situated in the former Gumball Factory in Amsterdam. With dedicated convention space, multiple flexible..
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+31 20 820 4410


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+44 (0) 20 7336 4600


HR Vision Amsterdam June 7 - 8, 2017