November 5 - 8, 2018    アトランタ GA , 米国
Now firmly established as the premier industry event for the sulphur and sulphuric acid markets attracting over 550 industry professionals from around the globe. Each year, the extensive programme covers key market trends, project updates and supply and demand forecasts in the commercial sessions, with presentations from respected industry figures; and high level analysis from CRU's Sulphur Team. The split stream technical programme showcases the latest technological developments to improve efficiency and compliance, and provides a high-level forum for engineers from the sulphur and sulphuric acid industries to share experience and develop solutions to common operational problems. The 2017 programme is packed with interactive clinics and panel discussions, detailed case-study led technical papers and in-depth market insights including: Troubleshoot operational challenges and develop practical strategies in the interactive clinics for both sulphur and sulphuric acid Understand how the sulphur industry has evolved over the past 40 years, and what to expect in the future in the interactive panel discussion: "Sulphur: this is your life" Learn about current and future regulation and implications for the industry, including the IMO 2020 Sulphur Cap Get the big picture on supply and demand dynamics in the oil and gas, sulphur, acid and phosphate markets, featuring insights from CRU's market leading analysts Learn how to improve plant efficiency and reliability, while adhering to the latest environmental standards in the detailed technical programme featuring over 32 papers Take advantage of the exhibition knowledge hub and address your technical challenges with over 70 experts in the exhibition. Meet key buyers and sellers of sulphur and sulphuric acid and discuss strategic business priorities for the year ahead Benefit from 3 practical, hands-on workshops covering project management, HAZOP's in acid plants and sulphur recovery


Location: Hilton Atlanta Hotel
The Hilton Atlanta hotel boasts a central location in the heart of downtown Atlanta within walking distance of some of the best attractions in the city, including the Georgia Aquarium, CNN Center and..
連絡先 255 Courtland Street NE Atlanta , USA


CRU Group
Chancery House, 53-64 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1QS, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7903 2000


CRU Sulphur Conference November 5 - 8, 2018