June 20 - 23, 2010    Marrakech , Марокко
The 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications will be held in Marrakech, Morocco. As in previous years, this workshop will feature poster presentations and invited plenaries on recent advances in signal processing for wireless communications, as well as for communications and networking in general. Two Best Student Paper Awards will be granted.

As a historical and cultural crossroad, Marrakech reveals the kind of diversity in the Berber, Oriental, and Spanish-Moorish artistic expression that impregnates the architecture and the decoration of the entire city. Marrakech is a sensual paradise set against the backdrop of the majestic Atlas Mountains. The city itself bursts with commerce, boasting the largest souk (market) in the country. Traversing the alleyways and souks of Marrakech, particularly in the Medina (Old City), it is easy to believe you have been transported back in time or stumbled onto a movie set for a medieval 'Arabian nights' production. It is this enchanting fairy tale quality that brings thousands of sightseers to the most visited of Morocco's three Imperial Cities.

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Location: Marrakech
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