October 19 - 22, 2011
Pop!Tech will mark its 15th annual gathering with more than 600 remarkable thinkers, leaders and innovators showcasing powerful ideas and projects that are changing the world. I attended one year — it's a great gathering.

The PopTech conference is a celebration for the intellectually engaged. You’ll meet an eclectic network of industry leaders and one-of-a-kind innovators bound together by an intense curiosity about the forces shaping our future.

The content of the conference is as diverse as the network itself – presentations range from the nature of disruptive innovation to the economics of human happiness; from the future of deep space exploration to new approaches to environmental stewardship. In the words of one participant, PopTech provides powerful “optics on the future.”

The conference is held every October at the height of the fall foliage season in a beautifully restored, 19th-century opera house in the seaside village of Camden, Maine. The beautiful setting, thought-provoking content, intimate scale, and informal tone make PopTech an experience like no other. Those who attend leave the conference with dozens of new ideas, a better sense of where the world is headed, a new network of relationships and lasting inspiration to create a better world.

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