November 21 - 22, 2013
Green Building China 2013 to be held on NOV. 21-22 2013 by CDMC Events is now in its leading platform for major industry players to map out winning China strategies and is China’s premier green building conference.

In the 21st century, sustainable development is the theme of the human beings. One for urban construction, the development mode from the traditional high consumption is especially important to efficient green type development mode, and green building is the only way of the shift, is the inevitable trend of world architecture development

At present, China's green construction, there is still a gap with the international standard, this is not just about technical issues, the more is that China has yet to popularize the concept of green building. "The most important is nothing else but technology, within the idea of the problem solution."

With this in mind, Green Building China 2013 (GBC 2013), China’s premier green building conference which is scheduled for 21 – 22 Nov 2013 in Shanghai China, will continue to perform as the leading platform for major industry players to map out winning China strategies.

Under the theme of “Tackling the opportunities of green building in China”, we will address the most crucial issues which determine your performance objectives in China. GBC 2013 will help you to better gauge the pulse of China’s dynamic green building industry and further identify the strategic role of China in your global business plan. Join GBC 2013, Join China green building market!

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Похожие мероприятия

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